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08 Jul
Que sí, que se me ve el plumero
Murcia // 1

He fundado una SL con mi nueva socia Maria José Torrente, el martes inauguramos nuestras flamantes oficinas en el centro, tengo varias entradas a medio escribir, un viaje transoceánico por contar, un embarazo a ocho semanas de terminar, y al final lo que me empuja a publicar algo es este notición: El matemático Pablo Mira gana

03 Sep
You looked good
poetry // 0

You were cold I blamed you You were dead I blamed me You looked mute I felt deaf I blamed her Or was I deaf? You were gone No one to blame I was alone With you still there. I went back home And you looked The other way.

09 Dic
Justicia a la Obama

To recap «Obama justice»: if you create an illegal worldwide torture regime, illegally spy on Americans without warrants, abduct people with no legal authority, or invade and destroy another country based on false claims, then you are fully protected.  But if you expose any of the evils secretly perpetrated as part of those lawless actions


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