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29 Ene
Is that a Barbie in your pocket?
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My neighbour once gave bad eye to my husband in the elevator because he was carrying a Barbie in his pocket. —It’s for my daughter. —Thank God. Girls should play with girls’ toys, and boys with boys’ toys. Otherwise they end up faggots and what not. —Uhm, not really. It has actually been linked to

22 Sep
A message from my outbox

It was so nice to hear back from you! Don’t apologize. I don’t hold grudges for people taking long to reply. Mostly because I can understand perfectly how it is to look at that email and say: I’ll answer properly later [time goes by FAST] —oops, now it’s too late. Honestly I don’t feel like an extraordinary person

13 Feb
La intérprete

Instructivo vídeo sobre: qué hacer con las manos durante una consecutiva. cómo disimular errores de comprensión cómo disimular errores de memoria. cómo dar énfasis al discurso. Feliz domingo. Vamos a ver, que es Paco León haciendo de Raquel Revuelta, claro que es broma, por favor. Nota mental: batiendo mi propio récord, esto estaba guardado en


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