The other day a colleague from our local Amnesty International group called me and said: we need you on the radio tomorrow, for an interview on the new Citizen Security Law. I ran and studied well the difference between what I think I know and I believe and what I can say as a representative of Amnesty. This is how it went, I hope you find it interesting and it moves you to action! The interview starts around thirteen minutes in and it is in Spanish:
Meme, ejercicio, ejercicio de memez, lo que queráis. El caso es que la nota de Multimaníaco (por cierto, este artículo es muy interesante) de tus quince autores favoritos (pensando poco) me ha hecho reflexionar sobre qué tipo de libros leo, y quizá me dé alguna pista sobre qué tipo de libros voy a escribir. Claro