The other day a colleague from our local Amnesty International group called me and said: we need you on the radio tomorrow, for an interview on the new Citizen Security Law. I ran and studied well the difference between what I think I know and I believe and what I can say as a representative of Amnesty. This is how it went, I hope you find it interesting and it moves you to action! The interview starts around thirteen minutes in and it is in Spanish:
¿Os acordáis de los niveles extra de los videojuegos? Un bonus level es una fase del juego que surge de manera inesperada. Es una pausa que no hace avanzar la trama; pero de repente, sin haberte movido del sitio, todo está lleno de manzanas, o de piedrecitas brillantes, o de cajitas con una cruz roja,
En latín Raptores orbis, postquam cuncta vastantibus defuere terrae, mare scrutantur: si locuples hostis est, avari, si pauper, ambitiosi, quos non Oriens, non Occidens satiaverit: soli omnium opes atque inopiam pari adfectu concupiscunt. Auferre trucidare rapere falsis nominibus imperium, atque ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant. En español «(Los romanos), ladrones del mundo, una vez han