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02 Jun
I had to see Van Gogh with my own fingers —painting at MOMA, New York
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Pictures above by Natalie Hope, Calgary, Alberta. I had to see Van Gogh with my own fingers. Viendo a Van Gogh (completo) from Begoña Martínez on Vimeo. I’ll update this with more pictures from other people. 🙂

22 Ago
Sapir-Whorf, Granada, y mi abuela

Sapir-Whorf y Granada son dos conceptos que giran en este momento por mi cabeza, a tanta velocidad como para ponerme a escribir. Mi abuela es una de las razones de que, aunque hayan girado otras cosas, no haya escrito nada este verano. Imaginad por un momento a las personas que se sientan a vuestra mesa

27 Abr
On infinite affection

I can take and enjoy infinite affection. But that doesn’t imply that I require it or even need it from everyone or anyone or you. From polite indifference, through deference to preference and yes, love, the acceptable is non-binary: an ever changing, uncharted, world. —@minibego PS: Like Calvin said: Let’s go exploring!


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