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27 Abr
On infinite affection

I can take and enjoy infinite affection. But that doesn’t imply that I require it or even need it from everyone or anyone or you. From polite indifference, through deference to preference and yes, love, the acceptable is non-binary: an ever changing, uncharted, world. —@minibego PS: Like Calvin said: Let’s go exploring!

03 Dic
Cree en ti: 9 claves profesionales para traductores según Xosé Castro en el #ETIM12

En resumen: No busques modelos negativos. Cree en ti. Trabaja bien, y VIVE. Valora tu trabajo, analiza el mercado y fideliza a tus clientes resolviendo sus problemas. Sé creativo, proactivo y positivo.

29 Ene
Is that a Barbie in your pocket?
escritos // 0

My neighbour once gave bad eye to my husband in the elevator because he was carrying a Barbie in his pocket. —It’s for my daughter. —Thank God. Girls should play with girls’ toys, and boys with boys’ toys. Otherwise they end up faggots and what not. —Uhm, not really. It has actually been linked to


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