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03 Sep
Poverty anywhere is poverty everywhere.

Poverty anywhere is poverty everywhere.* Why is that? Why are other people’s problems my problems? Are we all together in this? How can we be together in this if I don’t know who they are, why are we here? If I can’t feel them as I can feel my body. Do my toenails know about

28 Jun
El orgullo y la libertad de ser uno mismo

Hoy es un gran día para salir del armario, pero en la vida, como el Google+, hay muchos círculos y muchos armarios diferentes.

Leía hace poco un consejo para escribir una novela que decía: «escribe sobre aquello que no puedas comentar en la cena».

08 Jul
Representing Amnesty International: radio interview on the new Citizen Security Law
activism // 0

The other day a colleague from our local Amnesty International group called me and said: we need you on the radio tomorrow, for an interview on the new Citizen Security Law. I ran and studied well the difference between what I think I know and I believe and what I can say as a representative


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