I loved this article! Do read it… (from A List Apart)
What this article is really about is encouraging you to challenge what society tells you to do. Is it written in stone somewhere that “Thou Shalt Work a 40 Hour Week”?
A lot of the constraints and barriers we place on ourselves are completely unnecessary and even worse, keep us from being happy. My hope is that taking the Four-Day Challenge will help you enjoy life more and pursue what really matters to you.
Hello everyone! This is our first post to our shiny new Wordpress company blog. Yesterday we had our first lesson (course planning and marketing), our first step into what hopefully will become a (not only) translation agency. This lessons come in five hour sessions with a thirty minute intermission, so do not expect me to
Uno pensaría que en Apple saben cómo hacer un gestor de contenidos que no mezcle los idiomas. Vamos, digo yo. Ensalada de idiomas en la web del MacBookAir // Language salad @MacBookAir’s website, por Bego. Problema // Question: Encuentra los tres idiomas en esta página de Apple. // Find the three languages used in this
Llevo unos días queriendo escribir un post diciendo que no me recortarán las ganas de reír, pero paradójicamente, no estaba de humor.
Creo que mentalmente me resisto a la idea de dejarme llevar por la corriente general de ¡es el Apocalipsis, el fin del mundo, los mayas tenían razón! Hoy os explico qué pasa por mi mente.