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01 Oct
Irse a Cuenca, o irse de Cuenca

Hace unos días estuve en Cuenca y, preguntando por un restaurante a la chica de la caseta de turismo, me dijo textualmente: “Si yo me estuviera muriendo nunca vendría a Cuenca”. Me resultó sorprendente que soltara esa frase sin venir a cuento… (…) Arturo Kortázar, Bilbao. (…) A mí me hizo pensar mucho lo que

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Spanish for Spain or for Latin America? For Susie Bright
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With Spanish, a language that is used so widely all over the world, with so many different cultural differences, how do you approach a text?

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Comments on Sticks and Stones, by XKCD
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  From a Google+ conversation: Ramón Nogueras: That is completely and absolutely untrue, unless you admit that anyone other than you has control over your feelings. Words have only as much damaging capacity as you want to give them. Ignacio Torres Masdeu:  The exchange of power is part of many social contracts. But many times


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