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02 Jun
I had to see Van Gogh with my own fingers —painting at MOMA, New York
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Pictures above by Natalie Hope, Calgary, Alberta. I had to see Van Gogh with my own fingers. Viendo a Van Gogh (completo) from Begoña Martínez on Vimeo. I’ll update this with more pictures from other people. 🙂

03 Sep
Poverty anywhere is poverty everywhere.

Poverty anywhere is poverty everywhere.* Why is that? Why are other people’s problems my problems? Are we all together in this? How can we be together in this if I don’t know who they are, why are we here? If I can’t feel them as I can feel my body. Do my toenails know about

06 Sep
Mi hermano ha abierto un blog :-)
arte // 0 Mirad y ved como este joven rockerillo de 15 años descubre el rock. Si  le véis haciendo covers en YouTube con esa estilo Les Paul, se la regalamos mi hermana y yo la pasada Navidad. Desde que dejó el Guitar Hero cada día toca mejor (¡qué envidia!) y ahora además ¡escribe sin faltas! Soy


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