

Jurando en arameo

Begoña Martínez

Alguien le gasta una broma pseudo-estúpida a Quique por la calle, cosa que nunca comprenderé. Pablo me mira con cara de «¿tú te has enterado de qué acaba de pasar?» y nuestra telepatía falla por un momento, con lo que me tengo que conformar con expresar mis pensamientos con palabras y delante de los niños.


No more swearing in English?

Begoña Martínez

Somebody makes a pseudo-stupid joke at my son Quique in the street —something I’ll never understand. Pablo looks at me with his best “what the hell just happened, did you get it?” and our telepathy fails for a moment, and I have to make do with expressing my thoughts with words, and in front of


No more swearing in English?

Begoña Martínez

Somebody makes a pseudo-stupid joke at my son Quique in the street —something I’ll never understand. Pablo looks at me with his best “what the hell just happened, did you get it?” and our telepathy fails for a moment, and I have to make do with expressing my thoughts with words, and in front of