No more swearing in English?

Somebody makes a pseudo-stupid joke at my son Quique in the street —something I’ll never understand.

Pablo looks at me with his best “what the hell just happened, did you get it?” and our telepathy fails for a moment, and I have to make do with expressing my thoughts with words, and in front of the kids to boot.

[In English, because this is not for the delicate ears of my Spanish kids]

“Let it be. Just an idiot. Motherfucking drunk.” [In Spanish, because… well, you’ll see]

“Mooooom!” Lucía, my 10 year-old, scolds me “that’s a swear word, I HEARD YOU!”

“Darn. So now you do speak English and you understand it when it’s convenient for you. So I won’t be able to swear even in English, now?”

“You could swear in German. But… well, then when I heard you speaking in German I’d know you’re swearing.”

Lost. We’ve lost here.

The question

Should I compile all the Quique and Lucía stories in a single document? This is a serious question for you as my readers. Do tell me in the comments. I’ve also asked my patrons on Patreon: If you’re late to the party, it’s a system in which people help me pay for my writing costs, and maybe, someday, for my writing itself. Go have a look. It starts with as little as 1$ a month and it really pushes me to write more.

By the way, we’ve reached the next goal we had, to get 2 pretty ebook covers a year:

Screenshot 2016-07-19 16.32.27

The next goal is getting two pretty layouts a year:

Screenshot 2016-07-19 21.17.10

It feels like the seed of a new, cool thing growing in my life. I’m really looking forward to see what happens next. 🙂

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26 julio, 2016

Hehehe. Yes, I’d like all of their stories in one place.

5 years ago, as of 2 days ago, Facebook informs me that the following conversation happened between me and Yarrow.

Me: que coño! ( About something not related to my child)
Yarrow: Ummm…what does «Kay kono» mean?
Me: ummm…errrr…nothing really.
Yarrow: hmm. Then it’s a bit silly to say, isn’t it?
Me: yeah…’tis, really. Grownups are funny like that.

Begoña Martínez
26 julio, 2016

It’s funny because, why do we even pretend? It’s just for us, because we don’t like to hear children swearing (even when we do).

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Somebody makes a pseudo-stupid joke at my son Quique in the street —something I’ll never understand.

Pablo looks at me with his best “what the hell just happened, did you get it?” and our telepathy fails for a moment, and I have to make do with expressing my thoughts with words, and in front of the kids to boot.

[In English, because this is not for the delicate ears of my Spanish kids]

“Let it be. Just an idiot. Motherfucking drunk.” [In Spanish, because… well, you’ll see]

“Mooooom!” Lucía, my 10 year-old, scolds me “that’s a swear word, I HEARD YOU!”

“Darn. So now you do speak English and you understand it when it’s convenient for you. So I won’t be able to swear even in English, now?”

“You could swear in German. But… well, then when I heard you speaking in German I’d know you’re swearing.”

Lost. We’ve lost here.

The question

Should I compile all the Quique and Lucía stories in a single document? This is a serious question for you as my readers. Do tell me in the comments. I’ve also asked my patrons on Patreon: If you’re late to the party, it’s a system in which people help me pay for my writing costs, and maybe, someday, for my writing itself. Go have a look. It starts with as little as 1$ a month and it really pushes me to write more.

By the way, we’ve reached the next goal we had, to get 2 pretty ebook covers a year:

Screenshot 2016-07-19 16.32.27

The next goal is getting two pretty layouts a year:

Screenshot 2016-07-19 21.17.10

It feels like the seed of a new, cool thing growing in my life. I’m really looking forward to see what happens next. 🙂

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