Nara sin sakura

Nara sin sakura

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09 Jun
What if I had a year to live?
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On Tuesday my Interpreting students at University brought to class, as practice material, an interview with the star of Breaking Bad. The text contained the question: What would you do if you had a year to live? It was funny, at the time, to think that it’s just one year since Benita, my German mom, left

14 Oct
Bonus level
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¿Os acordáis de los niveles extra de los videojuegos? Un bonus level es una fase del juego que surge de manera inesperada. Es una pausa que no hace avanzar la trama; pero de repente, sin haberte movido del sitio, todo está lleno de manzanas, o de piedrecitas brillantes, o de cajitas con una cruz roja,

05 Jun
2nd International Media for All Conference – Text on screen, text on air

I have discovered this (highly interesting) conference via (a page of translation resources maintained by a group of Spanish translators): The 2nd International Media for All Conference – Text on screen, text on air, aims to bring together professionals, scholars, practitioners and other interested parties to explore audiovisual translation (AVT) in theory and practice,


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