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01 Oct
I was a task, written and read by me
arte // 3

This poem is halfway between David Allen and Charles Bukowski.

10 May
The Four-Day Week Challenge

I loved this article! Do read it… (from A List Apart) What this article is really about is encouraging you to challenge what society tells you to do. Is it written in stone somewhere that “Thou Shalt Work a 40 Hour Week”? A lot of the constraints and barriers we place on ourselves are completely

02 Nov
Sensuales fondos estructurados
empresa // 0

Me llaman del banco a las ocho y media de la noche de un martes después de puente, con la esperanza de que les compre unos fondos estructurados ligados a Telefónica, Vodafone, Hyundai e Inditex. Por supuesto me llama una chavala majísima de sensual voz. Para más datos, para los que gusten de estas cosas,


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