SWOT analysis and a piece of good news

First of all, congratulations to María (one of our partners) who yesterday got a very promising job. I am particularly proud of this fact because I helped her with her CV. Hey, that’s a 100% success rate (three out of three) 🙂

So, about our lessons… we have spent our last two sessions speaking about SWOT analysis: Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is said to be a very simple approach to marketing strategy, but in my opinion it is proving to be a very good starting point into evaluating our idea.

To do a SWOT analysis, you fill in a form like this one (you can find ten different SWOT examples here)

Internal factors Strengths


External factors Opportunities


(Another interesting page I found is about the AIDMA Law).

Our tasks for next week include finishing this SWOT analysis (in Spanish, DAFO, Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas, Oportunidades) and writing the introduction to our business plan. A skype meeting is in order!

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14 abril, 2006

Good looking blog… keep it up: how did the rest of your marketing exercise go?

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